Please Note: registration is now closed and joining information was sent to all delegates on 3rd October. If you have not received the information, please contact
at the De Vere Cotswold Water Park Hotel, Nr Cirencester on 10 - 11 October 2022
This year's AFM Conference focuses on 'The Mutual Ecosystem'. We will be exploring the opportunities members of the mutual sector have to work together, to achieve better outcomes, and how they influence and are affected by the environment around them.
Here, you'll find all the information you need to register for the event and to prepare for your attendance. We will be regularly updating content in the lead up to the conference.
You can register via this website, where you will also find full details of the venue, along with the programme schedule as it is finalised. Once again the conference offers the chance to network with friends old and new; debate current and future issues for the sector; and contribute to AFM’s planning.
We do hope that you and your colleagues will be able to join us.
The agent managing the delegate registration on behalf of AFM is: TRINITY EVENT SOLUTIONS, 6 Southview Business Centre, Tinwell Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2JL